American Chiropractic Association
The ACA is the largest organization in the world representing doctors of chiropractic care. The organization promotes high standards and professional ethics that result in only the best possible care for patients.
Delaware Chiropractic Society
The DCS promotes, protects and preserves the art, science and philosophy of the chiropractic profession. Delaware Chiropractic Society members provide leadership in healthcare by demanding the highest educational standards and adherence to the highest moral and ethical standards.
American Academy of Spine Physicians
The AASP is a comprehensive organization dedicated to collecting and disseminating information about spinal health to doctors and patients. Members receive access to exclusive workshops, seminars and information sessions that allow them to better understand the evolving field of spinal care.
Dr. Matt Mcilrath
Name: Matthew J. McIlrath, D.C., C.M.U.A.
Address: 1201 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington, DE 19809
Date of Birth: June 13, 1967
Present Positions:
President and Attending Physician, Health One, P.A.
President of Delaware Chiropractic Society
Privileges Upper Bay Surgery Center
Past Positions:
Attending Physician, Irwin Lifrak, M.D., P.A.
Attending Physician, Coastal Chiropractic
Commercial Out Sourcing Injury Prevention Director, Health One, P.A.
Chairman, Cartoon Moon Alternating Activity Inc. (Charity)
Corporate Chiropractic Physician, Mike’s Famous Harley Davidson
President, Weldin Ridge Maintenance Corp.
District Governor, Edgemoor Civic Association
Attending Physician, Delaware Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
Clinic Director and Attending Physician, Mainland Chiropractic Clinic
Referring Physician, Mainland Center for Performance
Intern, Texas Chiropractic College
Lecturer/Instructor, Texas Chiropractic College Back School, 1992-1993
Lecturer/Instructor, Physiology Laboratory, Texas Chiropractic College, May 1991 – August 1992
Post-Graduate Education:
Crash 2011 & 2012 Arthur Croft, D.C.
Crash 2001 & 2002 Masters Program, Arthur Croft, D.C.
Neurological Applications in Practice, New York Chiropractic College 2000
Whiplash/C.A.D.S. Mgmnt, Northwestern College of Chiropractics, Steve Palmer, D.C. 1997
Certified Manipulation Under Anesthesia 2005
Manipulation Under Anesthesia, April 1994
Cotes’ Scoliosis Treatment, May 1993
New Mexico State University, August 1985 – December 1989
Texas Chiropractic College, January 1990 – April 1993
Texas Chiropractic College Clinic
May 1990 – January 1992, Texas Chiropractic College Clinic
Assist interns in patient examination and treatment.
Observe and practice protocols necessary for proper patient care.
Texas Chiropractic College Clinic
January 1992 to April 1993
Clinical Rotation, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas, Rheumatology Department
Clinical Rotation, Tri-City Regional Hospital, Pasadena, Texas, Spring 1992
Research Papers:
1992 – Malignancy in Chiropractic; Texas Chiropractic College; unpublished manuscript
1991 – Anatomy, Biomechanics and Vector Analysis of the Shoulder and Elbow in Arm Wrestling:
Texas Chiropractic College, unpublished manuscript
American Chiropractic Association – current
Delaware Chiropractic Association – 1996 – 1998
International Chiropractic Society – current
Delaware Chiropractic Society – current
Texas Chiropractic Association, 1990 – 1994
Council on Sports Injuries, 1991 – 1992
Wilmington Jaycees – 1994
Licensed to practice Chiropractic in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Texas and Maryland
Honors and Achievements:
Outstanding Clinical Internship Award, 1993
SBA Member of the Year, 1992
Intern of the Month, September 1992
Major Areas of Interest:
Latest research involving spinal trauma
Latest chiropractic research involving work related injury prevention
Available upon request